About Us
Meet the new owner of The Good Source!

Hey! My name is Renée, and I became the director of The Good Source in March 2024. An opportunity presented itself for me to become owner of TGS, it felt like the perfect step in my sustainability journey. I was born and raised in North Auckland, New Zealand. I have always been conscious of the world around me and what I am putting into it. I aim to educate and encourage friends and family and others around me to do their bit in helping our planet in the easiest ways possible!

I want to promote eco options as alternatives for everyday items that go straight in landfills. I have a passion to protect the environment around us - I hope that if I look after nature, nature will look after me. I often am outdoors, whether it's in the garden, out walking the beach, or running. I became aware of the amount of rubbish that accumulates in the natural world and aim to find a way to prevent that as much as possible. Change is constant, so why not make the change to something that benefits everyone? Swapping out even one disposable item for a reusable is easier than you think and makes a huge impact on the environment.
"Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much" - Helen Keller.
Here at The Good Source, we are passionate about the environment and are much more aware of the damage that we are all doing to it. Each small change you make in your daily life can impact our planet immensely.
Make your change now!
Learn more and follow our journey below:
Instagram - @thegoodsourcenz
Tik tok - @thegoodsourceeco
Facebook - The Good Source